Stupid Pet Trick Ideas

For my stupid pet trick assignment, I have two ideas I would like to discuss in class.

The first is a boxing trainer. I will hook up two Peizo elements, one to each focus mitt. The output will  be a box with some words cut out. There will be lights behind the words that will light up depending on the output. The Arduino will keep track of rounds, punch combinations, and amount of pressure received from the punch.

The game will look something like this:

Round one begins.
Arduino spits out a random combination of jabs and crosses (up to 4 punches total), always beginning with a jab (because in training and in fighting, you would never start a combination with a cross).
Lights turn on to show the combination to the player.
The player then punches that combination on the focus mitts.
The output lights up to tell the player whether they were successful or failed.
There’s also an output for a successful combination If the player failed, the same combination is displayed; the round continues.
If the player successfully completes the combination, the next round starts.
There are three rounds. Round 2 has a combination of 5 punches. Round 3 has a combination of 7 punches.
There’s a switch on the display for choosing lefty or righty. Choosing lefty will switch the sensors for a jab and a cross.

The second idea is a contraption that attaches to your feet and it will measure how much pressure is applied to your step. The output is a series of lights. If all the lights light up, your step is too hard and the neighbors downstairs are grumbling. This is similar to the Strength-o-meter.

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