Health Self-Tracking and Health Experience

Part 1: Have you ever tracked anything about your health? What? Why? What did you learn?

Part 2: Share a memorable experience you’ve had with your health or with someone else’s health.

In October 2010, I attended a workshop on transformational breath. It was wild.

What is Transformational Breath
Uses a full relaxed breath through an open mouth that originates in the lower abdomen and repeats inhalation and exhalation without pause.

It activates a high frequency of electromagnetic vibration throughout the body and mind. According to scientific principle of entrainment, low frequency energy patterns are raised and transformed in the presence of higher frequency energy state. This clears blockages within the energy systems.

Benefits includes improved physical health, cleared emotional wounds and enhanced mental capabilities. Many have also found a stronger connection to spirit while cultivating a greater awareness of the breath and self.

It is known to touch deep emotional spots in the body, where you’ve buried feelings. Baggage you’ve hidden from yourself or decided to hold on to. You are told to hold all judgements on yourself, and simply let it be. Some of the emotions felt could be obvious, but mostly they won’t especially after only one session.

My Experience
In a large room with maybe 100 people, I laid on my back and breathed through my mouth from the lower abdomen.

This is all that you consciously do for the hour-long session (it might have been shorter, maybe 40mins but I’m not sure)

Almost immediately I felt completely vulnerable.
My fingers begin to tingle and started forming an ugly claw shape.
Not long after, they are in a full fist and beginning to numb.
Other people in the room are crying or screaming or both or neither.
I want to cry or scream or both, but for some reason I don’t or can’t. I’m not sure.
The people running the workshop, the assistants, attended to some and guided their experience. Eventually they would reach everyone. I really wanted them to come to me.
By this time, my jaw is extremely tight, my hands are completely numb, my arms are tingling painfully, and legs from my feet to my knees are numb and tingling too. My limbs were paralyzed and it was terrifying.
I remember at one point deciding to be ok, and that in that moment, that decision felt very familiar.
At the same time, I felt incredible energy flowing through my core.
Three assistants visited me during my experience.
The first helped me with my breathing.
The second gave me an affirmation: that I belonged there, that I love myself.
Some time after he left, my left eye began to tear. I didn’t know why but it felt very deep.
They began playing a song. The room was screaming and wailing and fists hitting the floor. It was crazy.
Towards the end of the song, the third assistant came towards me and touched me on my chest and head. Her affirmation to me was: to let myself be loved, to let love in, to let go and open up.
By then both my eyes are tearing.
She presses down on my chest and breathing calms down.
It feels more full. It felt really crazy.
And for the rest of the session I felt really cold and numb and paralyzed.
At the end, it took probably a good 15 minutes for the session to come back to limbs.
The whole experience felt like a strange dream.

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